

‘Dad, Quit Texting, You’re Driving’

New study suggests that persuading teens to avoid distracted driving might start by asking them to monitor their parents’ driving behavior Every day, tens of thousands of students sit through hundreds of public awareness assemblies in classrooms and auditoriums at high schools across the United States. Most of the messages are forgotten within a few


“The hardest thing I ever had to do was tell her little brother that his big sister was dead”

There was a lively engagement between Joel Feldman and the 600 or so students in the Pennsbury East High School Auditorium for more than an hour…..But there were a few times when his comments drew dead silence.“I was a distracted driver until my daughter was killed by a distracted driver,” Feldman said. “The hardest thing I ever had to do was tell her little brother his big sister was dead,” he later added [….]


Methuen High School Holds Distracted Driving Day

A Massachusetts community joined efforts with speakers Saba Hashem and President J. Michael Conley of the Massachusetts Academy of Trial Attorneys (MATA) to bring the EndDD program to students in MA. Read the article on Massachusett’s State Representative, Diana DiZoglio’s site, reprinted here.


‘You Have the Power to Save Lives; You Have the Power to Take Lives’

Reprinted from “Joel Feldman lost his 21-year-old daughter Casey several years ago when a distracted driver fiddling with his GPS struck her in Ocean City, N.J. Feldman, a lawyer and creator of, spoke Tuesday to Pennsbury High School students. He warned them about the dangers of distracted driving through demonstrations, facts, video and testimony from a trauma physician from St. Mary Medical Center and a Falls Township police officer [….]