Law Firm Protects Employees with New Distracted Driving Policy

The annual Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) Drive Safely Work Week (DSWW) campaign is October 3 – 7, 2011. The campaign is designed to get employers to make road safety a company wide initiative. This year’s slogan is “Getting there safely is everyone’s business.”

Philadelphia law firm, Anapol Weiss announced brand new policies to ensure that their employees “get there safely.” The firm is implementing policies to promote safe, non-distracted driving for all employees. They wanted to send a strong message and set an example after seeing firsthand the dangers of distracted driving. “Given years of representation of victims of car crashes where distracted driving has been a cause,” says Managing Partner, Joel D. Feldman. “We wanted to set an example for our employees and others to keep everyone safer on the roads.”

As part of the initiative employees have pledged not to text while driving. They will let calls go to voice mail while driving and pull over to retrieve messages. Firm owners have also taken a strong stance to ensure that they keep their employees safe by pledging to not contact employees when they know they are driving. Together they are developing an acceptable and safe plan for returning calls.

In addition the team is reaching out to other firms that represent victims encouraging them to adopt these safe driving policies or develop their own version. You can learn more about the firm’s program here, and get your safe driving kit from NETS here.

Does your employer have a safe driving policy? This is a great time to  let your teams know that you want them to get there safely!