As part of National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, Joel Feldman Spoke at Friends Central High School

As part of National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, Joel Feldman Spoke with approximately 250 students and 20 faculty at Friends Central High school in Wynnewood, PA about distracted driving.

Distracted Driving PresentationThe students were very interactive and seemed very contemplative at moments during the presentation, particularly after viewing videos of family and friends talking about the devastation of losing family members to distracted driving. Many of the teens said that their parents drive distracted with them in the car so role playing was utilized to help the students become more comfortable with asking a driver, a parent or friend,  to stop driving distracted or to offer to make and receive texts and calls for the driver while passengers.

In the photo, is Upper School Co-Principal, Lauren Novo, who played the role of a belligerent distracted driver, and her daughter Mary, whose job was to try to get her mom to stop driving distracted. The feedback from those in attendance was positive and clearly indicated that distracted driving is not just a teen problem, but everyone’s problem.