Responsible Teen Drivers Wanted

Is that you? What defines a responsible teen driver vs. an irresponsible teen driver? Is teen driver an oxymoron?

We don’t think so. We think teens can be just as responsible and just as concerned (or maybe more concerned) about safety as their adult counterparts.

So which would you rather be?

Getting your driver’s license is a rite of passage or so it seems because you get a taste of independence and you and your BFFS or buddies can drive off and do something fun without being under the thumb of your parent’s watchful eyes.

Perhaps, but did you know that the more friends who are in the car with you, the more your chances are of having an accident? Why so? Because friends, even well-meaning friends, can be distracting and when you the driver do not give one hundred percent of attention to the road, to the other cars, to pedestrians and bicyclists, your chances of causing an accident or being in an accident greatly increases.

Did you know that it only takes 3 seconds to have an accident? One, two, three – how can that be? It happens when the driver ahead steps on his or her brakes too quickly; when some kid riding a bicycle darts in front of the car; or when a motorist swerves in your lane.

So you see a hazard and you mentally identify it as dangerous. You automatically scan your memory to figure out what to do about it. Then you make a decision to take action and act to avoid the hazard. All this has to happen in about 3 seconds.

Meanwhile you are texting, talking on the cell phone, messing with the CD, looking at your friend’s iPad who is looking at photos, watching your friends in the rear view mirror. How long does that take?

It takes too long to react to a possible accident in the next 3 seconds.

Do you want to save the lives of yourself, your friends, and innocent victims?

You have choice. Do you want to be a responsible teen driver or not?